WP1 will deal with the day-to-day management of the project, ensuring both technical and administrative coordination and that contractual obligations are met, payments are made, cost statements are filled correctly, handling any contract amendments, liaising with the European Commission, the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and external organizations. WP1 will be also supporting the technical work packages by following and assessing the project’s progress and results.
WP2 will define target business models for the 5G!Pagoda ecosystem, derive use case scenarios for the project, identify technical system requirements, and, based on them, will specify different slices for different verticals. Further, WP2 will implement the technology roadmap on the 5G system architecture in order to indicate the direction for WP5 activities at SDOs.
WP3 will provide the fundamental functionality within the different network slices along with the supporting mechanisms, and that is including the design and implementation of a highly reconfigurable lightweight control plane functionality which can be customized for different classes of services, each representing a different network slice/a vertical, the design and implementation of highly programmable data plane mechanisms, and the design and implementation of a set of mechanisms which will provide the flexibility of the control plane as counterpart within the virtual network functions for the orchestration, including elasticity, reliability and VNF placement.
WP4 will design and implement the 5G!Pagoda orchestration system that shall enable the generation of end-to-end slices and their scalable management while keeping the development environment for orchestrated mobile network slices as simple and easy as possible. WP4 will also investigate aspects relevant to the integration of virtual core networks with the Radio Access Network to enable the end-to-end slicing concept.
WP5 is dedicated to integration activities towards producing a joint EU-JP testbed that validates its design goals. It will develop an evaluation methodology that will be validated by the use cases and contributed to the testing and evaluation methodologies of 5G access technologies under 3GPP. Regarding the use cases, IoT and human communication applications and services will be tested on the 5G!Pagoda testbed. The WP3 and WP4 results will be evaluated in the testbed as well and will form the foundation for the standardization activities to be carried out by the consortium members. The standardization activities based on running testbeds may have more impact and may enjoy more recognition within the community of different standards development organizations.
WP6 will cover the dissemination and exploitation of the results, including through publications, websites, research communities and networks. Particularly, it will transfer the results for their exploitation, and will identify, monitor, and contribute to relevant standardization bodies. It will also introduce 5G!Pagoda testbed at conferences, fairs, organized workshops, and other public events, and will seek for a long-term partnership of the important stakeholders in Europe and Japan.